

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sprouting a Creative Thinker

Tea Party Hats!

Yesterday morning, Camille came running up to me as I was enjoying my first hot mug of coffee. "Mom! Can we make a recycled project and then send it to SproutOnline? We have to use old stuff that you would recycle, like water bottles or those blue caps or something. Please?"

I love this girl! She totally gets it.

Anyway, after thinking about it for a moment, I suggested that we make paper hats for a tea party. We have a ton of packing paper leftover from the move, perfect for tea party hats. Of course, then I was all into this project. Here's what we submitted:

Friday, March 23, 2012

The first little piggy...oops!...birdy built her house with sticks...

I've come to the realization that life slows waaaaaayyyy down when you become a stay-at-home mom. I'm not complaining. Instead I'm seriously soaking up every slow minute. After 4 years of waking my kids up at the crack of dawn and then rushing to start the day, I'm content to sit back and discover what each minute will bring.

The other day, our minutes consisted of finding cool sticks on one of our favorite playgrounds. We drove home with a trunk full of sticks (many of which are still hanging around in different places) and a thousand ideas swirling in our heads of things that we could do with them.

When we got home, I pulled out some rainbow yarn and baubles and...walla! A little bird house. Now, the birds may not actually choose to call it home, but it looks very pretty hanging in the tree next to our garden.

Handful of "cool" sticks

Mommy's crude fashioning


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Proof of Great Parenting #2: Your Marriage...Exposed

Better times according to Camille, 4.

While staring fondly at this image last night, Camille quietly says, "So, was this, was this when you and daddy liked each other better?"

I did the only thing I could do at that moment...I burst out laughing.

Sometimes yelling matches between you and your spouse just cannot be contained. Right? Right.